Featuring Beautifully Refurbished Pianos

Kirkland, WA
since 1977 

For questions regarding our possible future inventory,
or for any piano questions,
please contact:
Land line 425 822 7116 
Cell phone 425 785 8532
Email chucktel@msn.com

Pianos Recently Sold to New Happy Owners
Charles Walter Piano $3995

Weber 5'2" Baby Grand  Piano
$3995 SOLD

Bergman 5' Baby Grand Piano
$3995 SOLD

Ridgewood 48" Studio Piano
$1395 SOLD
Wurlitzer Studio Piano
$595  SOLD

Mason and Hamlin Console Piano
$795 SOLD

I am a retired piano tuner and music educator and usually have several good quality used pianos for sale in our home in Kirkland with easy access from Seattle and the East Side. Each of our pianos has been chosen by me personally and has been thoroughly reconditioned, tuned, voiced, regulated, polished and cleaned inside and out. I am the preferred supplier to local school districts, churches, music studios and teachers. Prices are competitive with private party sellers and stores. Beginners to professionals can find a piano here which can be purchased with confidence, knowing that each piano will be trouble free.

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